The Tale of Pony Twinkleheels

The Tale of Pony Twinkleheels by Arthur Scott Bailey

The Tale of Pony Twinkleheels by Arthur Scott Bailey

When Johnnie Green sent him along the road at a trot, Twinkleheels’ tiny feet moved so fast that you could scarcely have told one from another. Being a pony, and only half as big as a horse, he had to move his legs twice as quickly as a horse did in order to travel at a horse’s speed. Twinkleheels’ friends knew that he didn’t care to be beaten by any horse, no matter how long-legged. “It’s spirit, not size, that counts,” Farmer Green often remarked as he watched Twinkleheels tripping out of the yard, sometimes with Johnnie on his back, sometimes drawing Johnnie in a little, red-wheeled buggy. Old dog Spot agreed with Farmer Green. When Twinkleheels first came to live on the farm Spot had thought him something of a joke.

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