The Curious Book of Birds

The Curious Book of Birds by Abbie Farwell Brown

The Curious Book of Birds by Abbie Farwell Brown

Now the interesting facts about birds we have always with us. We can find them out for ourselves, which is a very pleasant thing to do, or we can take the word of others, of which there is no lack. But it is the quaint fancies about birds which are in danger of being lost. The long-time fancies which the world’s children in all lands have been taught are quite as important as the every-day facts. They show what the little feathered brothers have been to the children of men; how we have come to like some and to dislike others as we do; why the poets have called them by certain nicknames which we ought to know; and why a great many strange things are so, in the minds of childlike people.

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Aunt Jane’s Nieces and Uncle John

Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John by L. Frank Baum

Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John by L. Frank Baum

Aunt Jane’s Nieces and Uncle John picks up the continuing story of the three cousins Patsy Doyle, Beth De Graf, and Louise Merrick, and their family; the plot of the book begins three days after the wedding of Louise and her fiancĂ© Arthur Weldon, the event that concluded the sixth book in the series, Aunt Jane’s Nieces in Society. Uncle John hires a touring car and the party makes a tour of the South West, visiting New Mexico and Arizona.

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