Mappo, the Merry Monkey

Mappo, the Merry Monkey by Richard Barnum

Mappo, the Merry Monkey by Richard Barnum

Mappo lived in a tree in the jungle with his family. He is the oldest of his siblings, and very smart, which would explain why he has so many adventures! But Mappo finds himself on a very long adventure, bringing to a new land, new friends and even more adventures!

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Happy Maths 4: Time and Money

Happy Maths 4: Time and Money by Pratham Books

Happy Maths 4: Time and Money by Pratham Books

This is a mathematics book with a difference. There are more stories here than problems! So read the stories, absorb the mix of facts and fiction and enjoy teasing your brain.

This is Vol. 4, Time and Money

Enjoy this wonderful book from All You Can Books audiobooks and ebooks service. Visit us at for more great titles you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

The Child’s Book of the Seasons

The Child's Book of the Seasons by Arthur Ransome

The Child's Book of the Seasons by Arthur Ransome

This book is part of the author’s “Nature Books For Children” series (three books), which is probably the best indication of its target audience and subject matter. The book is fun and charming, even for adults. Arthur Michell Ransome was an English author and journalist who had a reputation as one of the best English writers of children’s books. “When we think of sowing seeds we think of Spring with the new corn green on the red ground, and when we think of Spring we think of Summer, when it is tall and wavy in the wind, and when we think of Summer we think of Autumn when the corn is golden and cut, and then, why, then we come to Winter again.

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